All 17+ Sarah J. Maas Books in Order | Throne of Glass, ACOTAR

Sarah J. Maas is one of my favorite authors of all time. I’ve read everything she’s written, usually within about a week of release. New readers are discovering her every day and I can’t tell you how many times I’m asked for a list of the Sarah J. Maas books in order.

I’ve already written an in-depth reading order for Throne of Glass, but we’ll cover the basic details here as well.

There are two major ways to read the Sarah J. Maas books in order. The first is by series, and the second is by publication date.

Let’s cover both reading orders, starting with series.

#1 Sarah J. Maas Books in Order by Series

There are three different series that Sarah J. Maas has written that you’ll be interested in.

Those series are Throne of Glass (TOG), A Court of Thorns and Roses (also known as ACOTAR), and Crescent City (CC).

Let’s start with Throne of Glass.

Throne of Glass

There are two main ways you can read the Throne of Glass series in order. For the sake of simplicity, I’ll only list out these books in order of publication.

There is some debate amongst fans as to when is the best time to read the prequel, The Assassin’s Blade. Many readers also seemingly want to skip Tower of Dawn.

The short answer is, if you want a bigger emotional punch, save The Assassin’s Blade for after Heir of Fire. And you definitely should read Tower of Dawn as it’s an excellent book with some key details you shouldn’t miss.

If you want to learn more about this, check out my Throne of Glass reading order I mentioned earlier.

  1. The Assassin’s Blade
  2. Throne of Glass
  3. Crown of Midnight
  4. Heir of Fire
  5. Queen of Shadows
  6. Empire of Storms
  7. Tower of Dawn
  8. Kingdom of Ash

If you haven’t bought them all yet, there’s a really gorgeous Hardcover boxed set available on Amazon.

Throne of Glass Boxed Set Sarah J. Maas Books in Order

A Court of Thorns and Roses Reading Order

We can’t have a list of Sarah J. Maas books in order without A Court of Thorns and Roses, otherwise known as ACOTAR. This is one of SJM’s most popular series.

First Series
1. A Court of Thorns and Roses
2. A Court of Mist and Fury
3. A Court of Wings and Ruin

3.5 A Court of Frost and Starlight

Second Series
4. A Court of Silver Flames
5. Untitled Book 2 (TBA)
6. Untitled Book 3 (TBA)

7. Untitled Novella

The only debate in this series is whether you need to read ACOFAS or not. It’s a novella, and doesn’t play a significant role in the story of the first trilogy or A Court of Silver Flames.

It does setup Cassian and Nesta’s “interactions” a little bit, and also notes a change in scenery for where the group meets in ACOSF. But otherwise, it’s a puff piece with absolutely no plot.

If you’re going to read it, it’s best read at Christmas time.

The story takes places during the Winter Solstice, which is celebrated basically like Christmas without Christmas, cause you know it’s a fantasy world.

My understanding is that there will be at least two more books in the second series, and another novella.

If you loved ACOTAR, check out this list of other enemies to lovers books.

A Court of Thorns and Roses Box Set Sarah J Maas

Crescent City

The last of Sarah J. Maas’s series is her newest with the first being published in 2020. House of Earth and Blood, the first book in the Crescent City series, is Sarah J. Maas’s first adult fantasy series.

It’s kind of like a mash-up of epic fantasy, urban fantasy, paranormal romance, and a whodunnit mystery.

Based on the ending of HOSAB (check out my House of Sky and Breath review to learn more), I find it very hard to believe that we’re wrapping up with House of Flame and Shadow, though no more information is available about what lies ahead for the series.

  1. House of Earth and Blood
  2. House of Sky and Breath
  3. House of Flame and Shadow
House of Earth and Blood Sarah J Maas

Do I have to read A Court of Thorns and Roses before Crescent City?

While reading A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR) is not strictly “required” for Crescent City. It is highly recommended that you read at least the first three novels of ACOTAR before reading Crescent City #2, House of Sky and Breath.

What’s Next for Sarah J. Maas?

Bloomsbury announced back in March 2023 that it had signed a book deal with Sarah J. Maas to grow her brand with four additional books. However, after this announcement there was a lot of speculation about the book deal.

What are the four books?

Is it a new series?

Are they just additional books to existing series?

A combination of both?

The speculation is in part because the announcement explicitly said the four books would be on top of the three books already under contract.

Answers finally came in September 2023 in a livestream between Maas and author duo Christina Lauren.

Maas confirmed she was writing the next ACOTAR book in that livestream, and Business Insider explained that the preexisting three-book deal includes the two remaining ACOTAR books in addition to the upcoming House of Flame and Shadow.

That still leaves the question of what the four new books will be though.

This is what I speculate the future holds:

I believe one of the four books will be Crescent City #4, House of Many Waters. While Crescent City was previously announced as a three book deal, there are four main houses in Midgard and it just makes sense to have a book for all four.

Of the remaining 3 books, it could be an entirely new series.

But more than likely it’ll be a new trilogy with the combined Throne of Glass, A Court of Thorns and Roses, and Crescent City cast after appropriate introductions are made via crossovers in Crescent City.

As more is revealed, this page will be updated.

Other Books

Sarah J. Maas has written one other book that’s not a part of any series, plus she has a number of “extras” available as well.

  1. Catwoman: Soulstealer
  2. Throne of Glass Coloring Book
  3. A Court of Thorns and Roses Coloring Book
  4. Throne of Glass Collector’s Edition
  5. A Court of Thorn’s and Roses Collector’s Edition

#2 Sarah J. Maas Books in Order by Publication

It really doesn’t make sense to read the books in this order, but I can’t have a list of Sarah J. Maas books in order and not include it.

It technically is a way to read them.

It’s how I read the Sarah J. Maas books after all.

Nowadays, you’re better off reading a whole series rather than jumping around, but if you’re like some folks I know, you read the Sarah J. Maas books every year.

Perhaps you want try something new and relive what it was like your first time around. Or maybe you’re new to SJM and want to see what the original fans experienced.

Either way, here is your list of Sarah J. Maas books in order by publication:

  1. The Assassin’s Blade (2012) (Throne of Glass #.5)
  2. Throne of Glass (2012) (TOG #1)
  3. Crown of Midnight (2013) (TOG #2)
  4. Heir of Fire (2014) (TOG #3)
  5. A Court of Thorns and Roses (2015) (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1)
  6. Queen of Shadows (2015) (TOG #4)
  7. A Court of Mist and Fury (2016) (ACOTAR #2)
  8. Empire of Storms (2016) (TOG #5)
  9. A Court of Wings and Ruin (2017) (ACOTAR #3)
  10. Tower of Dawn (2017) (TOG #6)
  11. A Court of Frost and Starlight (2018) (ACOTAR #3.5)
  12. Catwoman: Soulstealer (2018)
  13. Kingdom of Ash (2018) (TOG #7)
  14. House of Earth and Blood (2020) (Crescent City #1)
  15. A Court of Silver Flames (2021) (ACOTAR #4)
  16. House of Sky and Breath (2022) (CC #2)
  17. House of Flame and Shadow (CC #3)

Printable Sarah J. Maas Reading Guide

Want to take your reading experience to the next level? Check out my Sarah J. Maas reading guide and checklist for two ways to read the Sarah J. Maas books in order.

Sarah J Maas Reading Guide & Checklist

Looking for more books to read?

Check out these 10 Books like Throne of Glass.

14 thoughts on “All 17+ Sarah J. Maas Books in Order | Throne of Glass, ACOTAR

        1. I only have the Throne of Glass checklist. If you’ve already got that one, that’s all I have. If you don’t have that one, I can send it to you. Let me know if that’s what you mean.

          1. I meant like is there a certain order to read ALL her books, like a recommended publishing order, series, etc?
            Basically, I was wondering:
            Can you (and would you) make a checklist of all her books?
            If not, that’s okay, I just find it very interesting for checklists.

          2. I don’t have anything like that, but I can put one together for you. I’ll try to have it for you by tomorrow. I’ll email it directly to you once it’s ready.

  1. Hi! I’m just starting Cresent City but finding them much harder to follow than the two previous series…. Any chance some diagrams/ charts breaking down some of this complexity are on your site? I feel like I need reference pieces for this series 🤦🏻‍♀️
    Thanks for any help in advance.

    1. Unfortunately not. I will say that if you stick with it, House of Earth and Blood is one of the most rewarding books I’ve read in recent years. But it requires A LOT of build up. Could SJM have executed the info dump a little better? Sure, but it is what it is. I’ve read it twice and love it.

  2. I just finished CC2 and I have so many questions! Do you recommend I read ACOTAR next so I understand the ending of CC2 better?

    1. Yes, ACOTAR is the series you’ll want to read to understand the ending of House of Sky and Breath.

      It won’t really start to make a whole lot of sense though until you reach the end of that series. Once you finish all currently available ACOTAR books, you’ll then want to reread the ending of CC2

  3. Can you update this with her books out now and confirmed books to come! Should I be reading ACOTAR CC then TOG? or TOG ACOTAR then CC?

  4. Dang! I’ve never seen so much confusion about when to read which books in which series?!? There’s no frame of reference unless you do it yourself hoping you follow the storyline!…plus, the numbering system on some books are confusing too! Come on…you can do better. Help us out out here. 🙏🏻✌️

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