R.A. Salvatore is my favorite author of all time, and Drizzt Do’Urden is my favorite book character ever. In fact, Salvatore’s The Thousand Orcs was the first fantasy book that I ever read. I love to tell people about my favorite series, but with 40+ novels, it’s understandably hard to tell where to start. So with that in mind, I’ve put all the Drizzt books in order just for you.
R.A. Salvatore and The Legend of Drizzt have sold more than 35 million books worldwide. An amazing accomplishment for a single series.
If you’d like to purchase autographed copies of his books, he regularly offers e-signings on his website.
Latest Legend of Drizzt Books
Lolth’s Warrior (The Way of the Drow #3) August 15, 2023
Betwixt Two Worlds (Audible Only) October 24, 2024
The Legend of Drizzt Reading Order
Most of the books are pretty obvious in their order. If you do any bit of research, you’ll see that the newest version of the books are actually labeled Legend of Drizzt Book 1 all the way to book 39, Lolth’s Warrior, which is set to publish on August 15, 2023.
But that doesn’t take into account that some readers prefer to read by order of publication rather than in Chronological order, so we’ll talk about both.
If you want to skip the discussion, you can go straight for all 40+ Drizzt books in order at the end of this post.
The Dark Elf Trilogy
The first order of business is discussing when to read The Dark Elf Trilogy?
In chronological order, these books come first. Homeland, Exile, and Sojourn tell the story of Drizzt Do’Urden’s upbringing. The series starts with Drizzt Do’Urden as a newborn babe all the way until he becomes the expert swordsman that he is in the rest of the 30+ books.
So it makes sense to start with these right? Yes, if you want to read in chronological order.
But The Crystal Shard, Book 4 in the Legend of Drizzt series, was actually the first book written. And the subsequent books in the series, Streams of Silver and the Halfling’s Gem, were all written before Homeland, Book 1 in the Legend of Drizzt Series.
So if you’d prefer, instead, to read the books in order of publication, start with The Crystal Shard, read the whole trilogy, and then go back to The Dark Elf Trilogy before continuing on with the rest of the series.
The Cleric Quintet
Oddly enough (or maybe not?), The Cleric Quintet was not included in the Legend of Drizzt series order when Wizards of the Coast (or Penguin, or whoever owns these books now) re-covered all of Salvatore’s books and relisted the series.
Strictly speaking, The Cleric Quintet aren’t Drizzt books, and that’s probably why. However, Cadderly makes a cameo in the Drizzt series, so, to me, these books are essential reading for the Drizzt series.
But when to read them?
Publication order dictates that you read them immediately after finishing both The Dark Elf Trilogy and the Icewind Dale Trilogy but before you start The Legacy (Book 7 in its self-titled series The Legacy of the Drow Quartet).
That will help you understand Drizzt Do’Urden & Cadderly better when the characters crossover.
However, you could reasonably hold this series off until Passage to Dawn (Book 10) which is when Cadderly makes his appearance into Drizzt Do’Urden’s timeline.
But I strongly recommend you read it at least before The Thousand Orcs (Book 17) as a few of the supporting characters in the Cleric Quintet make their appearance into the Drizzt timeline.
Want my advice?
Read them in publication order, even if it causes you to break from the world of Drizzt Do’Urden for a little while.
The Stone of Tymora
I recently (2022) added the Stone of Tymora series to the article at a request from readers. The Stone of Tymora, like the Cleric Quintet, is not strictly a series in the Legend of Drizzt, but it does feature a cameo by him, at least in the first book.
It’s been eons since I read this series, so it’s impossible to recall the extent with which Drizzt is involved.
The Stone of Tymora features a deckhand from the Sea Sprite, Maimun, whom Drizzt meets in The Halfling’s Gem as the companions chase Artemis Entreri in order to free Regis.
The actual timeline of the series is a bit mixed, but the majority of the events “described” take place during this time frame.
Bob wrote The Stone of Tymora with his son, Geno Salvatore.
The Sundering
What about The Sundering books? Where do they fit into the Legend of Drizzt timeline?
The Companions takes place immediately after The Last Threshold so there’s little doubt to its location in the string of events.
But you might notice that the order below only lists a single book for The Sundering series. That’s because R.A. Salvatore only wrote the first book.
The remaining 5 books in the series were written by the other authors of the Forgotten Realms.
It is my understanding that it is not necessary to read all 6 books. Instead, each book highlights the events of The Sundering from a different character’s point of view.
Meaning if you’re only interested in Drizzt Do’Urden, the only book in the series you need to read is The Companions.
If, however, you want the full lore of the world, then by all means read them all.
Drizzt Books in Chronological Order
The following is a list of the Legend of Drizzt books in chronological order. I’ve interjected the Cleric Quintet where I feel it goes, but according to the publisher, this is not required reading.
The Dark Elf Trilogy
1. Homeland
2. Exile
3. Sojourn
The Icewind Dale Trilogy
4. The Crystal Shard
5. Streams of Silver
6. The Halfling’s Gem
The Stone of Tymora (Young Adult)
7. The Stowaway
8. The Shadowmask
9. The Sentinels
The Cleric Quintet
10. Canticle
11. In Sylvan Shadows
12. Night Masks
13. The Fallen Fortress
14. The Chaos Curse
The Legacy of the Drow Quartet
15. The Legacy
16. Starless Night
17. Siege of Darkness
18. Passage to Dawn
Paths of Darkness Trilogy
19. The Silent Blade
20. The Spine of the World
21. Sea of Swords
The Sellswords Trilogy
22. The Servant of the Shard
23. Promise of the Witch King
24. Road of the Patriarch
The Hunter’s Blades Trilogy
25. The Thousand Orcs
26. The Lone Drow
27. The Two Swords
Transitions Trilogy
28. The Orc King
29. The Pirate King
30. The Ghost King
Neverwinter Saga Quartet
31. Gauntlgrym
32. Neverwinter
33. Charon’s Claw
34. The Last Threshhold
Sundering Book 1
35. The Companions
Companions Codex Trilogy
36. Night of the Hunter
37. Rise of the King
38. Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf
Homecoming Trilogy
39. Archmage
40. Maestro
41. Hero
Generations Trilogy
42. Timeless
43. Boundless
44. Relentless
The Way of the Drow
45. Starlight Enclave
46. Glacier’s Edge
47. Lolth’s Warrior
Supplemental Books
The Collected Stories: The Legend of Drizzt
The Dao of Drizzt
D&D 50th Anniversary Adventure
Betwixt Two Worlds (Audible Only)
What is the Dao of Drizzt?
You might have noticed a new book just popped up on my list.
It’s called The Dao of Drizzt. What is this?
You know those italics segments in every book, at the beginning of every section?
Those are the thoughts of Drizzt. A journal entry if you will.
The Dao of Drizzt collects all of those entries and combines them into one volume for the first time ever.
The Dao of Drizzt is set to release on September 20, 2022.
Drizzt Books in Order of Publication
Instead, if you’re a purist like me, you may want to read the Legend of Drizzt books in order by their publication date.
We’ll still include the Cleric Quintet because I think you should read them.
- The Crystal Shard (1988) (Icewind Dale Trilogy)
- Streams of Silver (1989) (IDT)
- The Halfling’s Gem (1990) (IDT)
- Homeland (1990) (Dark Elf Trilogy)
- Exile (1990) (DET)
- Sojourn (1991) (DET)
- Canticle (1991) (Cleric Quintet)
- In Sylvan Shadows (1992) (CQ)
- Night Masks (1992) (CQ)
- The Legacy (1992) (Legacy of the Drow Quartet)
- Starless Night (1993) (LDQ)
- The Fallen Fortress (1993) (CQ)
- Siege of Darkness (1994) (LDQ)
- The Chaos Curse (1994) (CQ)
- Passage to Dawn (1996) (LDQ)
- The Silent Blade (1998) (Paths of Darkness Trilogy)
- The Spine of the World (1999) (PDT)
- The Servant of the Shard (2000) (Sellwords Trilogy)
- Sea of Swords (2001) (PDT)
- The Thousand Orcs (2002) (Hunter’s Blades Trilogy)
- The Lone Drow (2003) (HBT)
- The Two Swords (2004) (HBT)
- Promise of the Witch King (2005) (ST)
- Road of the Patriarch (2006) (ST)
- The Orc King (2007) (Transitions Trilogy)
- The Pirate King (2008) (TT)
- The Stowaway (2008) w/ Geno Salvatore (The Stone of Tymora Trilogy)
- The Ghost King (2009) (TT)
- The Shadowmask (2009) w/ Geno Salvatore (STT)
- Gauntlgrym (2010) (Neverwinter Saga Quartet)
- The Sentinels (2010) w/ Geno Salvatore (STT)
- Neverwinter (2011) (NSQ)
- Charon’s Claw (2012) (NSQ)
- The Last Threshhold (2013) (NSQ)
- The Companions (2013)
- Night of the Hunter (2014) (Companions Codex Trilogy)
- Rise of the King (2014) (CCT)
- Vengeance of the Iron Dwarf (2015) (CCT)
- Archmage (2015) (Homecoming Trilogy)
- Maestro (2016) (HT)
- Hero (2016) (HT)
- Timeless (2018) (Generations Trilogy)
- Boundless (2019) (GT)
- Relentless (2020) (GT)
- Starlight Enclave (2021) (The Way of the Drow)
- Glacier’s Edge (2022) (TWD)
- Lolth’s Warrior (2023) (TWD)
Supplemental Books
The Collected Stories: The Legend of Drizzt (2011)
The Dao of Drizzt (2022)
D&D 50th Anniversary Adventure
Betwixt Two Worlds (Audible Only) (2024)
Looking for more books in order?
Check out Sarah J. Maas’s Throne of Glass In Order or Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere Books in Order.
70 thoughts on “All 40+ Legend of Drizzt Books in Order by R.A. Salvatore”
Where would you stick the War of the Spider Queen series? Somewhere before or after the Sundering?
I read somewhere at some point that it falls between The Orc King and The Pirate King, but that it can really be read whenever since it’s a separate story.
I, personally, haven’t read it.
I’m told it only has passing references to Drizzt, so doesn’t affect the Drizzt timeline at all in terms of information.
That’s absolutely correct. & I would recommend the series. It’s quite engaging. I find it not an easy feat, as it is an EVIL party. Seriously, they’re the worst.
After reading the cleric quartet(which I loved) at your suggestion, I was disappointed to find no mention of Drizzt at all. Did I miss something?
It has been a really really long time since I’ve read this. Like around 20 years. So it’s possible (and now very probable after your comments) that I misremembered Drizzt’s brief mention/appearance. I’ll edit the article! Glad you enjoyed it.
It’s more the other way around. Cadderly shows up briefly and Dannica too, but Ivan and Pickel Bouldershoulder run around with Thibbledwarf Pwent quite a bit in some of the later books after Mithral Hall gets retaken if I recall correctly.
Nope didnt miss anything but the cleric quintet does tie into drizzt books
I’m currently reading Passage to Dawn and I noticed this is actually when Cadderly makes his first appearance in Drizzt’s timeline and not in Servant of the Shard.
Thank you! The adjustment has been made.
When should we read one eyed jax?
What I’ve found indicates that you should read it between Relentless and Starlight Enclave.
Thanks! Your page has been very helpful! I am on timeless now, first time reading through. I love this series
After relentless
Cadderly is first introduced to Drizzt and Catti in Passage to Dawn when the Sea Sprite was teleported to the lake by Harkells Fog of Fate. Cadderly is who summoned Errtu and then Wind Walked D and C to Luskan.
Thank you! I made the adjustment. It’s been awhile since I read those books.
Thank you for compiling all this information. I’ve used this page for the past couple years as a guide to buying the audio books in order. It’s been a tremendous help.
Yeah, The Cleric Quintet doesn’t really fall into the Drizzt stuff, but the characters in it appear later and make a decent impact (particularly concerning the Chrenshinibon). Otherwise, I loved the Cleric Quintet (and it remains to be my favorite series to this date).
A few other books in the series is missing. There is an Anthology book of short stories, which can be read not long after Sea of Swords. Also, R. A. wrote a 3 book series with Geno Salvatore titled The Stone of Tymora. It runs side-by-side with the Halfing’s Gem. It’s not necessary to read, but the main character does make an appearance in the Pirate King book. As for the War of the Spider Queen, I would recommend reading it prior to the book Gauntlegrym. It does explain the shift in power for the dark elves, and it deals with 2 dark elf cities – Menzoberranzan and Chad Nesad. Also, the correct placement of the Cleric Quintet is immediately after Seige of Darkness.
As a fan and a player of D&D, if you want to read a great fictional fantasy series, then this is it. I have read every single book, including my additions to the list, and I am hooked. Let’s just say that it is hard for me to read much of anything else.in this genre. Except for anything else not Drizzt which is written by Salvatore.
This list only includes the main novels considered as “The Legend of Drizzt”. Not short stories, extra books, or other series. As far as where the Cleric Quintet falls, Canticle was published before the Legacy. While the two series were published interwined with each other, for sake of clarity, and since this is a list of books in MOSTLY publication order, that’s where I’ve placed them. You may choose to read them whenever you like.
I absolutely agree that Drizzt is awesome, and appreciate the extra info that you’ve provided for those looking to read beyond the Legend of Drizzt storyline. Thank you!
Does Drizzt have any involvement in the War of the Spider Queen?
No, there are some familiar characters present, but the War of the Spider Queen is not a Drizzt book nor were any of the 6 books written by Salvatore, though he oversaw the whole project.
The idea for the series actually came from Salvatore’s editor, Philip Athans, who coincidentally was my editor for my first two books, Soul Siphon and Soul Render.
Phil is a great guy and we’ve chatted about his various projects and work with Bob Salvatore on occasion.
Agreed! Salvatore is a “best in class” author, for sure. Have you tried reading any Greyhawk or Dragonlance? Those were my go-to back in the day before I discovered Drizzt. A lot of fun!
I have not! Dragonlance has always been on my radar, but I’ve never gotten around to it. And I’ve never heard of Greyhawk. Is it also D&D style?
My goodness! Set aside some time and dive into Dragonlance Chronicles, then Legends. I think you’ll really dig it. Greyhawk was created by Gary Gygax, through and through. Gord the Rogue is the main character and set the stage for AD&D’s World of Greyhawk. I’m an old skool GenX kid and grew up playing all of it. Wonderful stuff, man!!
I love RA Salvatore’s writing style it is so well written. Everyone knows and has commented on how great he writes in detail the fighting style of each character. Has anyone noticed as each series progressed his plots and stories gets more complex and intricate? I am on book 33 night of the hunter, and scared I will run out of his books. Is soul siphon series a book with multiple storylines and plots that intertwines?
Not at this time. I have three books published, but they all follow a single plot thread. There are multiple POVs within each story, but it’s one main overall story. In full transparency, it’s also not complete yet. I do hope to get the next book published in 2022. Things are looking up for me getting back on track with my writing now that things are beginning to settle both in my life and in the world.
But I do hope you give my books a chance. Phil Athans, R.A. Salvatore’s editor for his earlier books when Salvatore was with Wizards of the Coast, worked with me on Soul Siphon and Soul Render, and provided valuable direction before I began writing Soul Shade.
*****Spoiler alert*****
I just finished “Homeland” and it ends with Drizzt leaving Menzoberranzan, however “Exile” starts after the 5 companions have met and been split apart due to differing circumstances. I’m confused on how this can be chronological order
Are you sure you’re reading the right book? Because Exile still takes place in the Underdark. Drizzt doesn’t emerge from the Underdark until the end of Exile, then in Sojourn, Drizzt tries to communicate with the surface folk and befriends Mooshie, his first friend on the surface. The heroes from the bulk of the series do not make an appearance until the very end of Sojourn.
It’s been awhile since I’ve read the books so it’s entirely possible that Drizzt is retelling the story to his companions and so they might appear briefly in reflections. I don’t remember the exact format of storytelling for these books.
I just grabbed my copy of Exile (kindle) and skimmed through the first few chapters. Drizzt is definitely in the Underdark. And Chapter 1 is about Matron Malice and the Do’Urden household in Menzoberranzan.
Thanks. I had a bad e-copy.
Glad to hear you figured it out. Hope you were able to get the property ebook!
Almost sounds like you were reading the first book of the companions codex.
I just finished reading Streams of Silver and unless I missed it, when do we learn the names of Drizzt’s swords? I know their names are Icingdeath and Twinkle but since the character’s place such emphasis on their weapons names I was wondering why Drizzt hadn’t revealed the names yet.
It’s been a really long time since I’ve read the series. But if I recall, he acquires the swords in the books. He doesn’t start with them. Sure, he has swords, but they aren’t those two initially. So if they don’t have names, he probably hasn’t gotten them yet.
The first time I ever heard of Drizzt Do’Urdan was almost 20 years ago when I saw his swords in The Noble Collection catalog. The picture of Drizzt set beside the swords was the cover of The Lone Drow. I remember thinking he looked so angry and dangerous but the names of the swords, Icingdeath and Twinkle, made me giggle and took the danger out of the character, at least for me. Two weeks ago I needed something to read and the dark elf popped into my head. Why not? Now I’m hooked. I’m googling Drizzt and have found that there are many interpretations of what Icingdeath and Twinkle*snicker* look like. Any idea what the correct interpretation might be? Also, I tried to follow the map in the front of The Crystal Shard and found it to be inaccurate to what was being described in the story which made it very difficult to picture the travels of the characters. Is there an accurate map online to help a reader follow along?
This website is how I’ve always seen them portrayed: https://anewbreedofdragon.com/tag/twinkle-icingdeath/
I can’t help with the map unfortunately. That’s a Wizards of the Coast thing.
I have never really liked these swords as replicas, even though I think they were officially licensed as such. They look far too similar to each other considering their widely different origin/discovery. The hilt of Icingdeath (which was first named such in The Silent Blade btw) was supposed to have been jeweled and made of black adamantite and first described as being shaped like a hunting cat. This one looks like plain steel. Twinkle also originally had a large sapphire in the pommel if my memory is right. Not to mention the replicas have Drow/Espruar script on the blades. The Espruar I could give a pass for Twinkle, since it was made by surface elves, but neither was of Drow origin and so the Drow script is misplaced.
I mean, don’t mistake me, these are very beatiful looking real world blades and I’d love to have em (if I could afford it, I’d want to start a weapon collection) but they just don’t feel like the swords as described in the books and it kind of dissappointed me when the cover art eventually started using these.
List is pretty good though. I have The Stone of Tymora as a single book, didn’t realize it was 3 seperate ones before. (Kinda never got around to reading it…)
Man I have a lot of stuff to read. I read throught the ORC KING. I love this series and these characters. Looking forward to getting back into this series. Thanks for listing the order so now I know where to pick up the series.
That’s about where I stopped on my initial read through like 15 years ago as well.
You have a great site, Mr. Branson, and I’ve appreciated how you’ve kept the list up to date. I’ve been reading about Drizzt since The Crystal Shard was published in 1988 (autographed paperback, no less) and haven’t stopped since. I noticed someone had asked about War of the Spider Queen series and where to place it in the midst of it all. *Spoiler alert for readers* Some minor references are made in the later books when Salvatore is focusing on Jarlaxle and mentions outcomes from events in the Underdark (I assumed while reading that he was referring to the Spider Queen series). And since Matron Mother Yvonnel has literally been axed by Bruenor by the time the series begins, I agree and would read the books after The Orc King. 🙂
I can’t wait for Glacier’s Edge. Starlight Enclave had me in suspense, for sure, and Dao is on preorder!
Thanks for the awesome info!
Your chronological order is wrong. Servant Of The Shard should be read immediately after Paths Of Darkness. (Where it was immediately before the remarketing as legend of Drizzt.)
There’s too many years of adventure between the books to wait on that. It’s best to consider Sellswords a 2 book series, and leave SOTS where it was.
Technically, yes, that is true. However, considering that Servant of the Shard has almost nothing to do with The Spine of the World (the book that precedes it in publication order), its far more cohesive of a read in the way it’s arranged and has little to no impact on a chronological read-through since they follow two totally different sets of characters and story circumstances.
What about “The Collected Stories: The Legend of Drizzt”?
I’ll need to do some research on that for you and I’ll update this page (and reply to this comment) once it’s organized. Each of the short stories in the collection takes place at a different time, so it’s not a clear cut placement.
Hi, I’m currently reading Timeless and I’ve read all the previous Drizzt books before that, in terms of the chronological order. So when is this “series” coming to an end? Its not like I don’t want to read them anymore, I just want to know that at some point its going to conclude. thanks
I’d like to tell you that Drizzt’s story will have a conclusion in the near future, because we all like to have a story wrapped up. But I find that possibility highly unlikely.
Once upon a time, maybe I would have believed that. But Salvatore has already brought Drizzt & co. back from the dead more times than I can count.
So long as readers keep reading them, the publisher will likely want Bob to keep the story going.
Is there a website and gives a chapter summary of each Drizzt book?
I would check the Forgotten Realms Wiki
I think you missed the Stone of Tymora books, between Icewind Dale and The Cleric Quintet. I cannot seem to find to buy them from anywhere though:(
I’ve added them for you with links to purchase.
I am also having difficulty in sourcing these books.
Please could you help me!
If you click the links, they’ll take you straight to the order page on Amazon.
It should probably be noted that since Timeless is a backstory filler for Drizzt’s father, it could be skipped and the reader can go straight to reading Boundless after reading Hero.
A decent point. It could also theoretically go first in chronological order, but only the flashback portions. I’ll leave it where it is, of course, since everything else occurs in real time. But yes, Timeless wasn’t the most exciting book in the world and could be a candidate for skipping entirely.
I once read/heard there is a show or a movie being made of this series. is this true?
A year ago, Wizards of the Coast confirmed that the Dungeons & Dragons movie would not be about Drizzt, however they said an upcoming TV show might be. We still haven’t heard anything about the TV Show, though the movie, Honor Among Thieves, has a release date of March 2023 and will feature Chris Pine.
There has been a variety of video games over the years about Forgotten Realms and Drizzt in particular. The first that comes to mind is Baldur’s Gate.
I’m not aware of anything else in terms of movie or tv media.
Does The Sellswords Trilogy feature Drizzt at all? I know it is part of the Legend of Drizzt series, but I am wondering if it moves Drizzt’s story at all.
It is mostly about Entreri and Jarlaxle, but the events that occur are helpful to know in understanding the greater lore of the world and what’s going on.
Thanks for all this wonderful info, dude. I just started the series and this has been infinitely helpful.
So, I am about to do this by hand and figure if I am going to put that much effort into doing so I can spend a bit more to request it be added here. I noticed that the chronological order has the various “series”/trilogy titles and the publication order does not indicate which series a book is part of. I realize this is likely (though I haven’t yet confirmed) due to individual books being published from multiple series concurrently, that is to say the .. side stories, I will call them, such as the Cleric Quintet and Stone of Tymora may have been published/written at the same time frame as books from a different Drizzt book/series.
Basically my request, and what I will be doing by hand, is collating a list (or two, assuming I copy chronological order and just add dates first to get all the info if not in the order I want) where the publication order also specifies what series a book is in. This is because I prefer to read in Publication order, but not by individual book: rather by series. (Edited to shorten comment)
I have made the edits you requested. The publication order now features series names in parentheses.
THIS is the list I was trying to piece together.
Just started reading again (in spare time) a few months ago after probably 20 years… already back up to The Halflings Gem.
Only having MAYBE 15 out of the 40ish, last book read before… maybe Ghost King?
Its a difficult task, to fill the holes and make a library complete, made easy by you for an addled brain.
It’s amazing to me to see that a book that started in the 80’s is still going strong like this. I started reading the dark elf trilogy in jail. Luckily it had all the pages and it helped me escape that place. The mythical world of the under dark and drittz is my favorite type of read and I’m stoked to see that there are still books waiting to be realeasedin 2023!
And the movie “Honor amount Theives” looks to be amazing with Chris Pine and other big names like Hugh Grant(“The Gentlemen”) and Michelle Rodriguez (“Fast & Furious Series) I know it’ll be a big hit and bring more people into D&D community. I do wish there was a series that was based on Dritz Du’Urden but it couldn’t live up to true potential without loads of money put into and then it would only be available on HBO max lol. Anyways just thought I would go on a rant before stopping to compliment the site and express my joy of R.A Salvador titles as everyone else. ✌🏼
You’re missing two: Neverwinter Tales (after Neverwinter) and Cutter (before Night of the Hunter). Most of the Drizzt comics are just comic version of the books….except these two.
Just wanted to drop this here as I am a huge fan of Drizzt as well as a sword fighter junkie and weapon lover. Twinkle was damaged and re-forged. He acquired the original from Malchor Harpell in The Halfling Gem novel. it was damaged and re-forged by Catti-Brie when combined with the sword Vidrinath ( Lullaby, this was Tiago Baenre’s sword and very powerful in its own right) in the great forge of Gauntlgrym while she was under the influence of the primordial. Thus its appearance has changed over the passage of time in the novels. Icing Death was first acquired in the book The Crystal Shard, from the treasure trove of the great white dragon Ingeloakastimizilian. Wulfgar killed this dragon ( with Drizzts help ) to prove he was able to challenge the King of the Barbarian Tribes of Icewind Dale in this novel and the sword was the only reward he clamed for his participation of that deed. however the sword was not referred to as Icingdeath until The Silent Blade novel. also as a note the appearance of both weapons have changed over the years and novels ( with the authors permission ) depending on who is doing the art.
I finally started the “The Collected Stories: The Legend of Drizzt.”
In the main series I’m in the middle of “The Legacy” – So I was able to read only several stories from this book.
This is my recommendation on when to read the 4 first stories:
“The First Notch” – After reading Chapter 3 of “Legacy,” when the company encounters the remains of the ettin, which is a memory of Bruenor from the time he killed it.
“Dark Mirror” – After finishing “The Halfling’s Gem,” the last book of The Icewind Dale Trilogy. Drizzt’s journey from Mithral Hall to Silverymoon aligns with the events in “Dark Mirror.”
“The Third Level” – Perhaps during or after “The Halfling’s Gem,” while in Calimport and already familiar with Artemis Entreri’s presence, as this short story explores his past.
“Guenhwyvar” – After reading “Exile,” particularly the scene when Drizzt and Guenhwyvar reach the surface and experience the open sky together.
All the other books are post “The Legacy” so I will read them in the future.
Dark Mirror was originally in the book Realms of Valor. There is another book called Realms of Magic with a short story called “Guenhwyvar” that details the creation of the figurine of wonderous power in the distant past for Drizzt’s feline companion.
I have read many of these books on the list and have many more to read, but fantasy genre has been my only escape from reality so all the characters from all different authors have a place in my heart, but Drizzt, Cattie Bre, Wulfgar, Regis, and Bruener Battle hammer are like old friends, everytime I open a book it’s like it’s like revisiting a cherished memory and that my friends is a mark of a great writer.